Adding attachments to your email payment requests is great for providing secure information to your customers, such as invoices.
Start on the left-side of the screen, find Payment Processing, select Email, then choose Request Payment.
To add attachments to your Templates, and follow these instructions:
1. Select the template you'd like to work with and click on the 'envelope' icon
2. Select your template
3. Select Add Contact and proceed to add the contact's information
4. You'll now note the following fields are on the bottom:
5. These fields are letting you know that you're able to password protect the attachment. However, if you'd like to skip password validation, select the Suspend Validation box
6. Click Upload Files and enter the name of the file, complete with document type into the 'FileID' field. For example, 'bank statement.pdf'
7. Once the file has been attached, you'll be able to click Send Emails and send over the invoice and the attachment