Please follow the steps below to create an additional user.
1. Log into your account
2. Select Settings in the left-hand menu
3. Scroll to User Access and select Add User
4. Fill out the required user information
5. Select a user role as Admin, Manager, or a basic User. Role functions are listed below.
Admin: Has complete access to the account - may make changes and may see all transactions coming into the account.
Manager: Has more limited access to the account, may see all transactions coming into the account but may not make any changes.
User: Can only see transactions they themselves run (through the Virtual Terminal) which means they cannot view transactions made through the online forms. Also, they cannot make changes to the account.
6. Once completed click Save
To change the existing user role, simply click the blue view button and select the user role you’d like to re-assign to your existing user and then select Save
To delete a user, click on the red Delete button, when it asks you to confirm, click Yes, I am sure