My Wallet
What is 'My Wallet'?
Your customers can make a free wallet account so they can view when they have made payments to you and update their payment information for recurring payments. It's quick, easy and saves them from giving you a call!
Creating a 'My Wallet' account
In order to view your payment history, you need to sign up for a customer login.
Click the link in the email receipts labeled View My Wallet.
To create an account, you need to provide the following information:
- Enter a Transaction # from any payment receipt
-If you clicked on View your payments from your payment receipt, this information will automatically be configured for you. - Provide the email address used for making payments
- Create a password
- Click Create Account
Congratulations! Now you can view your payment history and update your saved credit card payment information.
Viewing your payment history is easy! You can find specific payments by narrowing your search results with any of the following criteria:- Date range
- Business (DBA) name
- Transaction #
- Payment method
- Requested Amount
- Paid Amount
- Payment date
- Enter a Transaction # from any payment receipt
Updating 'My Wallet'
After you make a customer account, you can update credit cards that are stored in your virtual wallet by clicking My Wallet. To update a credit card:
1) Log in to your customer site and click My Wallet
2) Select the Merchant that you were attempting to pay
3) Select the credit card you would like to update
4) Enter the necessary information including:
- Name on Card
- Card Type
- Card Number
- Expiration Date
- Security Code
5) Once you are ready to update your card, click Update to save your changes.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully updated your credit card!
My Invoices
Once you have logged into your wallet, you can view or pay an any outstanding invoices. To start, log into your 'My wallet' account and select 'My Invoices' from the sidebar menu:
When customer logs into their wallet:
1. Select “My Invoices” from the sidebar menu.
2. Set a date range to view.
3. Set filter if you like to search by: Date, Invoice, Business name, First Name, last Name or Status.
4. Once you have found the item you’re looking for, you can either click the PDF Icon to either “Download PDF” or you can click the “Pay” icon to pay the outstanding invoice.
5. When you select the “Pay Icon” you’ll be able to pay any and all outstanding invoices.
6. Once you have selected the invoice you want to pay, you’ll be taken to a secure payment page.
7. Once you have successfully payed your selected invoice, you will receive your confirmation receipt on screen, remember that you’ll also receive an emailed receipt.
8. You can view all your invoice payment history by clicking on “My Payments”
9. Remember you can always locate any payment in the payment history by filtering by date range, company paid or by using of the filters you see below
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