
  • Creating an Email Template

    To create an email template, follow the steps below. 


    From the dashboard, navigate to the Email dropdown and click Request Payment.


    Click Add Template to start a fresh one.

    Name your template, then select which payment page you would like to be used from the dropdown menu. 

    If you do not have a page created, please view the payment page video to learn how to make one.

    Next, add a subject line that will be used on the emails when sent.

    In the body field there is a default message, or you can create a customized message that your recipient will see when they open the request. You can also use Variables to add specific information into each of your emails.

    To include variables in the email body, click on the desired variable from the selection.

    When your template is ready for use, Click Save.

    If needed, you can edit or delete a template using these buttons.

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  • Requesting a Payment By Email

    To request a payment by email please follow the steps below.


    Send a “payment request” via email to your customers.

    Select the template name you would like to use from your existing options, if one has not been created yet or you would like to add a new option click here to see the steps on how to build a new template.

    To send a Request for Payment, click the green send email button of the template you would like to use.

    Select the contact to who you would like to send it to. You can select an existing contact, add contact, or upload a list of contacts.

    Once ready, Click Send emails.

    When your customers view the email, there is a link they can click on where they will be directed to a secure payment page. The amount they are requested to pay is specified by you.

    You can send a single payment request or hundreds at once.


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  • Sending a Payment Via Email

     In order to utilize Send Payment services you must first request the service. 

    Once your Send Payment service request has been verified you may select Emails from the left-hand menu, and then Send Payment.

    On the Send Payment page, you will see that you can enter and manage Payee information in a convenient single location. You must fill out all the information below. After the first payment has been made, their information will be stored for you to be able to quickly send payments to that Payee in the future. To do so you will select the blue button labeled Use Existing Payee. If you choose to use an existing payee, their information will be displayed accordingly in the Send Payment Settings fields for easy editing. Detailed instructions have been listed below.

    1. To add a payee, fill in the following fields:

    • Company Name (Optional)
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • CC (Optional)
    • BCC (Optional)
    • Phone
    • Invoices (Optional)
    • Zip
    • Address
    • Amount


    2. If you would like to connect your payment data to be downloaded into your Quickbooks accounting software as an IIF file, you may click on the Include GL Account checkbox to bring up the Quickbooks General Ledger account fields. These fields will allow you to specify the Quickbooks GL bank account, GL expense account, and a Description that will be imported into Quickbooks. (see note located at the bottom of this article)

    3. You can also set up recurring payments. All you have to do is select Yes to allow them. Now you will be able to select the frequency and the number of payments that you would like to have sent out.

    4. Enter a custom message to Payees in the Message box if desired.

    5. After all the fields have been filled out, select Preview Payment to verify that all the information is correct before sending.

    6. If all the information is correct, select Send Payment and the payment will be sent automatically.

    7. After submission, you will receive an on screen notification letting you know that your payment has been sent successfully.

    8. You may now check your History for status updates.

    Note: If you connected your payment data to be downloaded into your QuickBooks you may download the QuickBooks file; Click the History tab and select the QuickBooks link at the bottom.

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  • Setting a Reminder for Emails Being Sent Out

    Located in the optional settings when sending an Email Payment Request, if the Reminder Email is checked, a second payment request email will be sent 3 days prior to the original request's expiration date. This new email will include the original request for payment with a new subject line that can be customized in the Reminder Email Subject field.



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  • Previewing Email Templates

    To see what your email template looks like, we've provided you an easy-to-use tool that allows you to preview your email templates.

    On the left-side of the screen under Payment Processing, select Email, then Request Payment. On the Templates page, you can click on the magnifying glass icon next to the email you'd like to preview.

    mceclip0 (3) (1).png

    Once you've clicked the icon, you are shown what your email will look like when you send it to your contacts.

    Note: If you want to make changes after previewing your email, you can always edit your template.

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  • Editing an Email Template

    On the left-side of the screen under Payment Processing, select Email, then Request Payment. On the Templates page, you can click on the pen icon in the Actions column, this allows you to edit the selected email request Template. 

    mceclip0 (1).png


    Simply modify the [Name], [Subject], and [Body] sections of the template that you wish to change and click Save when you are finished.


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  • Adding an Attachment to Email Templates

    Adding attachments to your email payment requests is great for providing secure information to your customers, such as invoices.

    Start on the left-side of the screen, find Payment Processing, select Email, then choose Request Payment.

    To add attachments to your Templates, and follow these instructions:

     1. Select the template you'd like to work with and click on the 'envelope' icon 

    mceclip0 (2).png 

     2. Select your template

     3. Select Add Contact and proceed to add the contact's information

     4. You'll now note the following fields are on the bottom:




    5. These fields are letting you know that you're able to password protect the attachment. However, if you'd like to skip password validation, select the Suspend Validation box

    6. Click Upload Files and enter the name of the file, complete with document type into the 'FileID' field. For example, 'bank statement.pdf'

    7. Once the file has been attached, you'll be able to click Send Emails and send over the invoice and the attachment

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  • Sending Payments Using a CSV File

    NoteIn order to utilize Send Payment services you must first request the service.

    Once your Send Payment service request has been verified you may select Emails from the left-hand menu, and then Send Payment.


    On the Send Payment page, you will see a button labeled Upload File.


    mceclip0 (3).png

    Upon clicking this button a new window will pop up, at the bottom of that window you will see a link labeled Download Sample File. Download that file to use as a guide for creating your own file.



    The following tips are for you to make sure the file you intend to upload is in the proper format:

    • The file must be a CSV file
    • First row should contain header information.
    • Several contact names attached to a singular email will result in those contacts being rejected from the system.
    • Data must be mapped with the correct format e.g:
      • Company Name - 50 characters - Name of the business if a business account
      • First Name - 50 characters - first name of account
      • Last Name - 50 characters - last name of account
      • Email - 50 characters - recipient email address
      • Cc Email - 50 characters - Carbon copy email address
      • Bcc Email - 50 characters - Blind carbon copy email address
      • Phone - 50 characters - Recipient phone number
      • Mobile Phone - 10 characters - Recipient cell phone number (required if sending SMS)
      • Invoice - 25 characters - Invoice number
      • Address1 - 50 characters - Recipient address
      • Address2 - 50 characters - Recipient address 2
      • City - 50 characters - Recipient city
      • State - 2 characters - Recipient state
      • Zip - 5 characters - Recipient Zip code
      • Memo - 50 characters - Memo message to be printed on check
      • Amount - 25 characters - Dollar Amount
      • Message - 100 characters - Message to be displayed on the body of email request
      • Deliver Type- 1 character - (E) - send request by email (P) – send request by SMS
      • Recurring Payment - 1 characters - Used to identify if recurring payment, leave blank if one time transaction Weekly (W), Monthly (M), Quarterly (Q) or Annually (Y)
      • Occurances - 3 characters - Used to identify number of recurring payments, leave blank if one time transaction

    Once your file is ready to upload, navigate back to the Bulk Upload pop up window and select the blue button labeled + Choose CSV file. When the file is ready to be uploaded you may then click the green Submit button. Upon submission emails will be sent out to each recipient to accept the payment.


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  • Cancelling an Emailed Payment Request

    In order to cancel an emailed payment request that has already been sent but has yet to be paid, please follow the steps below:

    1. Go to Reporting then select History on the left-hand side of the screen.


    2. Select the button labeled Requests, located near the top of the screen. Upon selection, you will see a list of transactions. Locate the request you'd like to cancel and click on the View button that appears on the right-hand side of the screen.


    Note: only unpaid requests with the status Emailed may be cancelled.

    3. Once you have clicked View, you will see a Cancel Request button. Use this button to cancel your desired payment request. After the request has been successfully cancelled, you'll see the status turn to Sent to Paper.

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