Company Settings

  • Updating my Company Profile

    Please follow the steps below to update your company profile.


    Click on the Settings tab to bring up your company profile. You can update your company info, logo, and receipt settings. 

    • Company Info: Edit company phone and address.mceclip0.png
    • Company Logo: Image must be 300w x 100h or smallermceclip1.png
    • Receipt Settings: Use this feature to include your own email address when contacts receive email notifications.mceclip3.png
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  • Creating Additional Users

    Please follow the steps below to create an additional user.


    1. Log into your account

    2. Select Settings in the left-hand menu

    3. Scroll to User Access and select Add User


    4. Fill out the required user information

    Note: You may select to make your user an Admin, Manager or a regular user. Role functions are listed below.

    Admin: Has complete access to the account - may make changes and may see all transactions coming into the account.

    Manager: Has more limited access to the account, may see all transactions coming into the account but may not make any changes.

    User: Can only see transactions they themselves run (through the Virtual Terminal) which means they cannot view transactions made through the online forms. Also, they cannot make changes to the account.

    5. Once completed click Save

    6. To change the existing user role, simply click the blue view button and select the user role you’d like to re-assign to your existing user and then select Save


    7. To delete a user, click on the red Delete button, when it asks you to confirm, click Yes I am sure


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  • User Email Notifications

    Please follow the steps below to turn on user email notifications.


    Each user has access to enable and disable email notifications.

    To edit your email notification settings, navigate to the 'Settings' drop down and select 'User Access'.

    Click on the pencil icon next to your desired user, a screen will populate like below:


    When the ‘Receipt Notifications’ box is marked, the users email address will be CC’d whenever the customer receives a receipt.
    This optional setting lets you retain copies of payment receipts and provides instant notification once a customer has submitted a payment.

    If our ACH service is enabled on your account, you will see the ‘ACH Return Notifications’ box available.
    When marked, the user will receive an emailed notification any time an ACH payment gets returned.

    Note: If you don’t want to receive these emails, unmark the checkbox. Users that have these options marked will receive an email notification

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  • Updating my 'From' Email

    Please follow the steps below to update your 'from' email address.


    1. Login to your account and click on Settings

    2. Click on to the 'Company Profile' section

    3. Enter your custom ’from' email address under Receipt Settings

    4. Enter the email address you wish to use and click Verify Email


    5. After you click Verify you will receive a verification email from Click the link in the verification email to activate your new 'from' email address


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  • Customizing a Receipt

    There are a few things you can do to customize your receipt, please see the instructions below.


    Adding a Custom Image to Your Receipts

    If you would like to include a custom image or company logo to be displayed on the payment page and on your customer’s payment receipts, follow these steps:

    1. In the Settings page under Company Profile click +Choose .

    2.  Select the image file you would like to upload, and then click the upload button.

    Note: Image size should be 300px by 100px or smaller.

    3. When the image has been successfully uploaded, it will be displayed on your payment page and customer receipts.


    Adding a Custom Message to Your Receipts

    You can further customize your receipts by adding a custom message to them. To do so, simply:

    1. Go to your Settings page on the left-hand menu

    2. From there go to Company Profile and under Receipt Settings select Add Custom Message to Receipts

    3. Make your edits to the receipt and select Save from the bottom of the screen



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  • Canceling Services

    To cancel service please reach out to your account representative so they can ensure all the correct services are disabled.  

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