Transaction Reporting
Transaction Report – ACH
The Transactions - ACH report allows you to view ACH transaction details for your merchant account.
To view your Transactions - ACH report, follow the steps below:
1. Log into the payment gateway with your account login.
2. On the left-hand side navigate to the Reporting section. Then click Transactions - ACH.
3. Filter the data using the desired filter from the drop down.
4. Add or remove specific data columns by clicking the Columns button on the right side of the screen. (The columns checked off will be displayed on the report)
5. When your filter is selected and desired columns are chosen, click Apply Filters.
6. The table will display a list of transactions that the filters apply to.
7. To view further details for a specific transaction you may click the Transaction ID link.
8. Export your data if needed using the Export button on the right side of the screen.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this tool, please reach out to the support team.
Transaction Report – Card
The Transactions - Card report allows you to view card transaction details for your merchant account.
To view your Transactions - Card report, follow the steps below:
1. Log into the payment gateway with your account login.
2. On the left-hand side navigate to the Reporting section. Then click Transactions - Card.
3. Filter the data using the desired filter from the drop down.
4. Add or remove specific data columns by clicking the Columns button on the right side of the screen. (The columns checked off will be displayed on the report)
5. When your filter is selected and desired columns are chosen, click Apply Filters.
6. The table will display a list of transactions that the filters apply to.
7. To view further details for a specific transaction you may click the Transaction ID link.
8. Export your data if needed using the Export button on the right side of the screen.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this tool, please reach out to the support team.
Transactions - Dejavoo
The dejavoo terminal transactions are available within the payment portal reports in real time.
How do I view the dejavoo transaction reporting?
- Login to your payment portal.
- Click Dejavoo Transactions.
You can add extra columns such as the Batch # by clicking columns and selecting the desired field.
Transaction History Report
The payment history feature allows you to view transaction details for your account. The page can show requests, transactions, and it allows you to search for a specific transaction by a Reference ID or Transaction #.
To view your payment history, follow the steps below:
1. Log into your account with your merchant login.
2. Select Reporting and then select History.
3. Start by deciding if you wish to view Requests or Transactions.
Requests: This table will show requested payments from customers and transactions.
Transactions: This table will show transactions with tabs to view All, ACH, Credit Card, Future(scheduled payments), and ACH Returned.
Note: ACH and Credit Card options will only show if they are active on the account.
4. You may set a date range and filter payments to a specific form or template then click the Search.
5. The table will display details on the transactions in your set date range. If you would like to view further details for a transaction or request you may select the View button with the magnifying glass to the right.
Note: You are also able to select the specific file icon below the history table to download that report type as CSV or PDF.
ACH Returns
In the event that an item is returned, you will know about it as soon as it happens. The transaction will be marked as returned and will display it with a returned status on your History tab. To view only returned transactions click the ACH Returns Tab on the History page.
To get your money for the transaction, we suggest that you:
1. Contact your client to make sure they know that the item returned.
2. You may send a payment request to your client so that they can make their payment.
Rules for ACH in Regard to Returns.
The National Automated Clearing House Association (Nacha) sets specific thresholds for ACH (Automated Clearing House) return rates to maintain the integrity and efficiency of electronic payments as follows:
Unauthorized Return Rate: This pertains to debit entries returned due to unauthorized transactions, including return reason codes R05, R07, R10, R11, and R29. Nacha has established a threshold of 0.5% for unauthorized returns. This means that the number of unauthorized debit returns should not exceed 0.5% of the total debit entries originated over the preceding 60 days or two calendar months
Administrative Return Rate: This category includes returns resulting from administrative errors, such as account closures or invalid account numbers, corresponding to return reason codes R02, R03, and R04. The threshold for administrative returns is set at 3%. Therefore, administrative debit returns should not surpass 3% of the total debit entries originated in the same 60-day period
Overall Return Rate: This encompasses all debit returns, regardless of the reason. Nacha has established an overall return rate threshold of 15%. This indicates that the total number of debit returns should not exceed 15% of the total debit entries originated during the preceding 60 days or two calendar months
We use these rules to guide us when making decisions about accounts that are having excessive returns.
What Does My ACH Return Code Mean?
Code Description R01 Insufficient Funds R02 Closed Account R03 No Account/Unable to Locate Account R04 Invalid Account Number R05 Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code R06 Returned per ODFI Request R07 Authorized Revoked by Customer R08 Payment Stopped R09 Uncollected Funds
R10 Customer Advises Not Authorized, etc.
R11 Check Truncation Entry Return, etc.
R12 Branch Sold to Another DFI
R13 RDFI Not Qualified to Participate
R14 Representative Payee Deceased or Unable to Continue in that Capacity
R15 Beneficiary or Account Holder Deceased
R16 Account Frozen
R17 File Record Edit Criteria
R18 Improper Effective Entry Date
R19 Amount Field Error
R20 Non-Transactional Account
R21 Invalid Company Identification
R22 Invalid Individual ID Number
R23 Credit Entry Refused by Receiver
R24 Duplicate Entry
R25 Addenda Error
R26 Mandatory Field Error
R27 Trace Number Error
R28 Routing Number Check Digit Error
R29 Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized
R30 RDFI Not Participant in Check Truncation Program
R31 Permissible Return Entry
R32 RDFI Non-Settlement
R33 Return of XCK Entry
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