Report Builder

  • Editing The Emailed Report Recipients

     If you would like to edit the recipient list for your report, please follow the quick steps below:

    1. First go to Reporting, then Report Builder, located on the left-hand side of the screen.


    2. From there, scroll to the bottom of the report and click Edit, represented by the pencil icon, located under Actions.


    3. From there, click on the X icon to delete anyone from the reporting list. Click Save.

    4. To add more recipients, enter their email address in the box and click on the green circle icon. After that, you'll see their email was added to the drop down. Click Save.


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  • Pulling a Report by Payment Method

    It only takes a moment to run a report and access the CSV or PDF file

    1. On the left-hand side of the screen, select Reporting and navigate to the History Page.

    2. Set a date range to view.

    3. Select the All Templates box that appears and select the name of the form to see specific data from a form, template, terminal, or mobile payment.

    This way, you'll be pulling a more detailed report that shows all fields e.g. patient account number, invoice number, order number.

    4. Click the CSV or PDF at the bottom to download the report.


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  • Creating an Emailed Report

    These instructions provide an example of how to create a new report:

    1. To get started select Reporting>Create/View Reports from the sidebar menu

    2. Select the time period that you would like to use to filter your results

    3. Select your report options:

    • Remove Header – will remove column titles from your report, this option will only show data
    • Include Totals – this will total the dollar amounts at the bottom of the report
    • PDF File – this will create a PDF file report instead of the default Comma Separated View (CSV) report

    4. Select the time period that you would like to use to filter your results

    5. Select if your report will be All Items, an Email Template, Form, Virtual Terminal, Mobile or Recurring. Your data can be pulled from a specific Template or Form or if you have multiple online forms you can select all forms by choosing All...

    6. Choose the fields that you would like to include from the Available fields section by clicking on the field name

    7. Click the Add button to move them to your Selected fields list

    8. Use the additional filters to narrow your search result

    9. Click Save to save your report for future use or click 'display the results' to download your report immediately 

    Note: Once you have finished creating your report you can then Scheduling Your Emailed Reports to Go Out

    and Editing The Emailed Report Recipients

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  • Scheduling Your Emailed Reports to Go Out

    1. Select Reporting from the sidebar menu, then Create/View Reports

    2. Select the report you would like to Schedule Emails for

    3. At the bottom of the page select Schedule, shown below in blue

    4. Select the starting date for reports to send out

    5. Select whether you want your report to get emailed daily, weekly, or monthly

    6. Check the Only if there is data check box if you do not want to receive the report if there is no activity

    7. Enter the email address the reports are to be sent to and click Add

    8. Click Save

    9. You should now see scheduled reports at the bottom of the your reports page. At any time you can delete a scheduled report by hitting the 'minus' button or edit your scheduled report by hitting the pencil button shown below

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